Hamburgisches Centrum für Filmforschung e.V.
Gleanings from the History of German-Language Cinema
CineGraph Lexicon Who and what is CineGraph?
A brief guide to this site in EnglishAll you ever wanted to know about the Lexikon zum deutschsprachigen Film (partly in English). And a preview of forthcoming updates (in German). Conference Book Series An overwiev of our conferences from 1988 onwards. Plus background papers, summaries, and a photo album of the 11th International Conference, Hamburg, November 1998. FILMtext - Annotated screenplays.
CineGraph Buch - Conference proceedings.
FilmMaterialien - Background materials (most volumes on-line).On-Line Specials New Books Berliner Ateliers. A lexicon of German studios from the beginnings to the post-war period Emil und die Detektive. An annotated edition of the 1931 screenplay by Billie Wilder Resources German Our pick of Links to cooperation partners and other Internet resources for the history of cinema Hier geht es zur deutschsprachigen Startseite.
CineGraph e.V., Schillerstr. 43, 22767 Hamburg, Germany. Phone (+49)-40-352194, Fax (+49)-40-345864, e-mail: